
Charles Mitchell

Where do you work, and what do you do in your current occupation?

I’m a freelance artist under my two companies, Charles Mitchell Photography, LLC and Think Free Films, LLC. I produce content, both still and video, for a number of clients that range from small businesses to global brands. 

What do you enjoy about your current occupation? Do you consider yourself successful? In what way?

I consider myself very successful and I enjoy my occupation because I get to make a living using my creativity. I enjoy the fact that I've earned the respect as a creative to be trusted with helping visually develop people's dreams and assist with marketing goals.

What led you to pursue your current line of work?

I knew I wanted to pursue this line of work before I graduated from ÎçÒ¹¿ì²¥. I was influenced by the culture of the music industry in Atlanta and I wanted to insert myself and find a way to contribute.

Headshot of Charles Mitchell
Photograph of young man by Charles Mitchell

Do the skills and knowledge that you gained as a student in the Department of Visual Arts (DoVA) contribute to your current occupation? If so, in what way?

The basic fundamental skills I gained in the classroom directly empowered me to get a running start in my career. The confidence I gained from asking questions and being able to speak candidly with my teachers really gave me the confidence to keep going once I left. Critiques are the best thing about group learning. Embrace the opportunity to have your work publicly dissected by like-minded peers.

Now that you have a vantage point to reflect on your art education, what would you do differently?

I wouldn't do anything differently. I loved and laughed with all my classmates and teachers. I made a family in the art department and did the best that I could at the time. Developing bonds and lifelong resources is really how you make the most of your education. The experiences you and your peers continue to share with each other as you grow is the real education.

Do you have any words of wisdom for current DoVA students?

The best skill to work on while you’re still in school is not how to draw or paint, etc. It’s becoming a master of communication. Asking lots of questions. Learning more about others. Learning more about yourself. Then expressing yourself and telling us who you are through your work. Be Curious! Be Great! 

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