
Finding Specific Articles in GALILEO

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In this video, I will show you how to find a specific article in Galileo.

When you know the title, author, or other information on an article, the "find cited article" tool under the Journals A to Z tab is the place to go. The "find cited article" tool offers fields to enter publication data about an article, but not necessarily all fields have to be filled out in order for the tool to find an article.

Let's take a look at our first example. This is what I call a perfect world example. We will enter all the data and be taken directly to the article's record. I've entered all the data that I have on the article and when I search it I'm taken to a page where I can select a database that offers the full text for the article. In this example it's available in "Academic Search Complete." When we click on the database name, we're taken directly to the article's record.

In some situations you might not have all the publication information you need to get directly to the article. You might only have the article title or journal title. Let's say in this example you only have a journal name and vaguely remember something about the title. We know the name of the journal is "Knowledge Quest." Under Journals A to Z we will use the default sub tab "Find Journals" because we don't have enough citation information to use the "find cited article" option. Select exact match and run your search. Like in our first example we see this is available in "Academic Search Complete."

When you come to the publication page, you could theoretically browse all the issues but that would be very time consuming. So instead, we'll select "Select Within This Publication." Since we know a little bit about the title we can enter this into the title field after selecting "Advanced Search." The title of the article is "School Libraries and Innovation." But let's say the only word that you remember from the title is the word "libraries." We've added the word "libraries" as a title search, so now we're searching this publication for any article that has the word "libraries" in the title. It isn't always this easy, but as you can see, we have narrowed down your search results significantly.

In our last example, let's say you only know the title of the article and nothing about the publication. In this situation I suggest using the Galileo Discover search box. This will give you the ability to search the title against numerous databases. If you don't find the article in the first set of results, try changing the search parameters to title only or changing the facets available on the left side of the results.

I hope this video was helpful to you and if you have any questions for us, please contact us using the "contact us" form on the Galileo home page.

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